Hearts 'n' Hugs Fund Charitable Donations | Build-A-Bear Foundation™

Hearts ‘n’ Hugs Fund Charitable Donations – Build-A-Bear Foundation

The Hearts ‘n’ Hugs Fund

At Build-A-Bear Foundation, we know the joy of a teddy bear hug can make a difference for those facing difficult times. That’s why providing in-kind donations of furry friends has been a feature of our charitable giving throughout our history. Our bears have been there for children of all walks of life – they’ve offered support through critical illness, time in foster care, in the wake of a disaster, and through countless other challenges.

A hug from a furry friend is a priceless gift to a child facing unimaginable hardships. By sharing hugs where they’re needed most, these bears impact the lives of kids and families around the world.

About Our Bears

Furry friends donated through the Hearts ‘n’ Hugs Fund support children in a variety of circumstances. Throughout our history, Build-A-Bear Foundation has donated over 1.5 million furry friends to kids and communities in need. That’s a whole lot of hugs!

With the help of our local, national, and international partners, our bears reach children who need them most. Learn more about our charitable giving partnerships.

How To Apply for the Hearts 'n' Hugs Fund

One way the Hearts ‘n’ Hugs Fund distributes furry friends is by donating to organizations in communities around the world. Any nonprofit or registered charity in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom or Ireland can apply for a donation of furry friends!

We can accommodate donation requests of 200 to 1,000 bears. All donated furry friends are stuffed, stitched and ready to hug.

Donations are granted to organizations that most closely align with our mission on a first-come, first-served basis. We cannot guarantee a specific style, and we are not able to donate the following: customized items, licensed products, coupons, promotional cards, gift cards, in-store parties/experiences, off-site events, unstuffed or unstitched furry friends, personalized tees, clothing, accessories, satin hearts, cub condos or other non-furry friend items.

Recipient organization must be a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization as defined by IRS Code 501(c)(3) or a registered charity in Canada, the United Kingdom or Ireland. Donated bears must directly support children in programs that promote Build-A-Bear’s mission. We are unable to provide donations to individuals, families, fundraisers, raffles or auctions.

Click here to request a donation of furry friends

Legal Notice

Build-A-Bear reserves the right to grant or deny an organization’s application or participation at any time, for any reason, and to supplement or amend the Donation Guidelines at any time and without notice. Selections are made at the sole discretion of Build-A-Bear and are not subject to external review. Product cannot be returned or exchanged for credit. By completing the Build-A-Bear donation application, your organization agrees to these conditions.