Build-A-Bear products can be purchased on a wholesale basis by select partners that want to offer our branded retail experience within pre-existing stores or other locations. If you would like more information or to see if you qualify, please contact
Build-A-Bear offers a variety of stuffers, signage and fixturing to fit your location or long term event needs. Our mini stuffer and rolling fixture can fit into as few as 100 square feet, though larger locations can offer a broader assortment with our full sized stuffers, concourse shops, and super fixtures. Product assortment can be tailored to your specific location and audience needs, pulling from popular Build-A-Bear products, and including custom products tailored to your location.
These are some of the companies bringing the Make-Your-Own magic of Build-A-Bear Workshop to their customers through either Build-A-Bear company-owned shop-in-shop models or an experiential wholesale format. Where will you find Build-A-Bear Workshop? Wherever families are having fun!
“The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line®”
Experience Everything in One Place
Please contact Corporate Sales at for more information and to discuss how you can add this hands-on, memorable experience to your location or event.